Welcome to our website

We are for free, open information; everything we do is for free. We known that there are rich people and poor people, that's how our society is build. We can't change that directly, but we can indirectly by providing services that normally cost money and make it for free. Or make an alternative for it (open-source). So you can see us as pirates (torrent reference) or as normal "honest" people that try to make the world a better place.

What we offer

We offer free music, games, tv shows and games on all types of services. More about that can you find on our 'contact us' page.


The powerful but arrogant god Thor is banned from Asgard and now has to live amongst humans in Midgard (Earth), where he becomes one of their finest heroes.
With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony has to deal with a vengefull man and his health issues. To solve both problems he has to look into the past to his father's legacy.
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